Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb has written to directors of social services and PCT chief executives to gather information on good practice to improve the quality of services for people with learning disabilities and their families. This follows publication of the Department’s interim report on the Review of Winterbourne View Hospital published on 25 June.
The Department is seeking information on how services can deliver the right model of care and deliver better outcomes for people with learning disabilities and/or autism, and behaviour which challenges.
The good practice project, led by the National Valuing Families Forum, working with the National Forum for People with Learning Disabilities, will focus on local authorities and will also reflect good practice in integrated working with the NHS. It aims to find out what good looks like and share this with people with learning disabilities, family carers, and other organisations in the new health and care structure to improve the quality of services.
Read letter on DH Review: Winterbourne View Hospital – Good Practice Project “What Does Good Look Like”
Download: Framework document (PDF)
Download: Framework document (MS Word)